Showing 1–24 of 89 results
Leopold I (1658-1705), Leopold I (1658-1705)
AUSTRIA, HUNGARY, Leopold I, 15 Kreuzer Krajcár 1663 KB, Kremnitz, VF+
Leopold I (1658-1705), Leopold I (1658-1705)AUSTRIA, HUNGARY, Leopold I, 15 Kreuzer Krajcár 1663 KB, Kremnitz, VF+
Obverse: Smaller young laureate portrait of Leopold I looking right, with long straight hair, bust breaks the ribbon on the top. Face value (XV) and the inscription is on a ribbon in a cartouche
Lettering: LEOPOLD · D · G · R · I · (XV) S · AV · GE · HV · BO · REX
Translation: Leopold, by the grace of God Emperor of the Romans, Always August, King of Germany, Hungary, Bohemia.
Reverse: Glorified and crowned radiant Madonna seated with child on her left arm, scepter in the right divides mintmark in the middle. Crowned twofold Hungarian shield below. Inscription on a ribbon, date divided on the top – outside the ribbon
Lettering: PATRONA · HVNGARIÆ · 1663 · K B
Translation: Protector of Hungary
Edge: Plain
The pictures provided are of the actual coin for sale.
Guaranteed genuine.
SKU: F427 -
Leopold I (1658-1705), Leopold I (1658-1705)
AUSTRIA, HUNGARY, Leopold I, 15 Kreuzer Krajcár 1679 /8 KB, Kremnitz, VF-XF
Leopold I (1658-1705), Leopold I (1658-1705)AUSTRIA, HUNGARY, Leopold I, 15 Kreuzer Krajcár 1679 /8 KB, Kremnitz, VF-XF
Obverse: Smaller laureate portrait of Leopold I looking right, with long straight hair, bust breaks the ribbon on the top. Face value (XV) and the inscription is on a ribbon in a cartouche
Lettering: LEOPOLD · D : G · R · I (XV) · S · A · G · H · B · REX
Translation: Leopold, by the grace of God Emperor of the Romans, Always August, King of Germany, Hungary, Bohemia.
Reverse: Glorified and crowned radiant Madonna seated with child on her left arm, scepter in the right divides mintmark in the middle. Crowned twofold Hungarian shield below. Inscription on a ribbon, date divided on the top – outside the ribbon
Lettering: PATRONA · HVNGARIÆ · 16 79 · K B
Translation: Protector of Hungary
Edge: Plain
The pictures provided are of the actual coin for sale.
Guaranteed genuine.
SKU: F429 -
Leopold I (1658-1705), Leopold I (1658-1705)
AUSTRIA, HUNGARY, Leopold I, 15 Kreuzer Krajcár 1690 KB, Kremnitz, VF+
Leopold I (1658-1705), Leopold I (1658-1705)AUSTRIA, HUNGARY, Leopold I, 15 Kreuzer Krajcár 1690 KB, Kremnitz, VF+
Obverse: Curly haired wig, bust of Leopold I looking right, solid inner circle, no ribbons
Lettering: LEOPOLD·D·G·R·I· (XV) S·A·G·H·B·REX·
Translation: Leopold, by the grace of God Emperor of the Romans, Always August, King of Germany, Hungary, Bohemia
Reverse: Glorified and crowned radiant Madonna seated with child on her left arm, scepter in the right divides mintmark in the middle. Crowned twofold Hungarian shield below.
Lettering: +PATRONA+HUN GARIÆ+1690: K B
Edge: Plain
The pictures provided are of the actual coin for sale.
Guaranteed genuine.
SKU: F428 -
Forint system (1868-1892)
HUNGARY, Franz Joseph I, 1 Forint 1868 GYF, aXF
Obverse: A Mid-aged bust of Franz Joseph I facing right with the mintmark under his neck and legend around.
Lettering (Hungarian): FERENCZ JÓZSEF A. CSÁSZÁR; GYF
Engraver: Josef Tautenhayn
Reverse: Curved twofold Hungarian small coat of arms, flying angels holding St. Stephen’s crown above
Lettering (Hungarian): MAGYAR ORSZÁG AP. KIRÁLYA 1868; 1 · F
Engraver: Franz Gaul
Edge (text in Hungarian): BIZALMAM AZ ŐSI ERÉNYBEN
Translation: My trust is in ancient virtues
The pictures provided are of the actual coin for sale.
Guaranteed genuine.
SKU: F895 -
Forint system (1868-1892)
HUNGARY, Franz Joseph I, 1 Forint 1869 GYF, XF
Obverse: A Mid-aged bust of Franz Joseph I facing right with the mintmark under his neck and legend around.
Lettering (Hungarian): FERENCZ JÓZSEF A. CSÁSZÁR; GYF
Engraver: Josef Tautenhayn
Reverse: Curved twofold Hungarian small coat of arms, flying angels holding St. Stephen’s crown above
Lettering (Hungarian): MAGYAR ORSZÁG AP. KIRÁLYA 1869; 1 · F
Engraver: Franz Gaul
Edge (text in Hungarian): BIZALMAM AZ ŐSI ERÉNYBEN
Translation: My trust is in ancient virtues
The pictures provided are of the actual coin for sale.
Guaranteed genuine.
SKU: F894 -
Forint system (1868-1892)
HUNGARY, Franz Joseph I, 1 Forint 1869 GYF, XF-UNC
Obverse: A Mid-aged bust of Franz Joseph I facing right with the mintmark under his neck and legend around.
Lettering (Hungarian): FERENCZ JÓZSEF A. CSÁSZÁR; GYF
Engraver: Josef Tautenhayn
Reverse: Curved twofold Hungarian small coat of arms, flying angels holding St. Stephen’s crown above
Lettering (Hungarian): MAGYAR ORSZÁG AP. KIRÁLYA 1869; 1 · F
Engraver: Franz Gaul
Edge (text in Hungarian): BIZALMAM AZ ŐSI ERÉNYBEN
Translation: My trust is in ancient virtues
The pictures provided are of the actual coin for sale.
Guaranteed genuine.
SKU: E320 -
HUNGARY, Franz Joseph I, 1 Forint 1869 GYF, XF-UNC (Museum)
Obverse: A Mid-aged bust of Franz Joseph I facing right with the mintmark under his neck and legend around.
Lettering (Hungarian): FERENCZ JÓZSEF A. CSÁSZÁR; GYF
Engraver: Josef Tautenhayn
Reverse: Curved twofold Hungarian small coat of arms, flying angels holding St. Stephen’s crown above
Lettering (Hungarian): MAGYAR ORSZÁG AP. KIRÁLYA 1869; 1 · F
Engraver: Franz Gaul
Edge (text in Hungarian): BIZALMAM AZ ŐSI ERÉNYBEN
Translation: My trust is in ancient virtues
Guaranteed genuine.
SKU: E320-1 -
Before Forints (1848-67), Ferdinand I (1835-48)
HUNGARY, 1 Kreuzer, Egy Krajczar 1848, NGC MS 64 BN
Before Forints (1848-67), Ferdinand I (1835-48)HUNGARY, 1 Kreuzer, Egy Krajczar 1848, NGC MS 64 BN
Obverse: Crowned arms, Hungarian legend around
Translation: Hungarian Royal Change
Reverse: Value in Hungarian, date
1848.Translation: One krajczár
Edge: Smooth
The pictures provided are of the actual coin for sale.
Guaranteed genuine.
You can verify NGC certification numbers: 4785487-009
SKU: Z170 -
Forint system (1868-1892)
HUNGARY, Franz Joseph I, 1 Forint 1873, better year, F-VF
Obverse: Mid-aged bust of Franz Joseph I facing right
Lettering: FERENCZ JÓZSEF I . K . A . CS . ÉS M . H . S . D . O . AP . KIR .; K. B.
Translation: Ferenc József Isten kegyelméből ausztriai császár és Magyar-, Horvát-, Szlavón-, Dalmátországok apostoli királya
Francis Joseph by the grace of God Emperor of Austria, Apostolic King of Hungary, Croatia, Slavonia and DalmatiaEngraver: Josef Tautenhayn
Reverse: Middle coat of arms with St. Stephen’s crown on top
1 Frt
1873Translation: Kingdom of Hungary
Engraver: Franz Gaul
Translation: My trust is in ancient virtues
The pictures provided are of the actual coin for sale.
Guaranteed genuine.
SKU: F541 -
Forint system (1868-1892)
HUNGARY, Franz Joseph I, 1 Forint 1875, better year, aUNC
Obverse: Mid-aged bust of Franz Joseph I facing right
Lettering: FERENCZ JÓZSEF I . K . A . CS . ÉS M . H . S . D . O . AP . KIR .; K. B.
Translation: Ferenc József Isten kegyelméből ausztriai császár és Magyar-, Horvát-, Szlavón-, Dalmátországok apostoli királya
Francis Joseph by the grace of God Emperor of Austria, Apostolic King of Hungary, Croatia, Slavonia and DalmatiaEngraver: Josef Tautenhayn
Reverse: Middle coat of arms with St. Stephen’s crown on top
1 Frt
1875Translation: Kingdom of Hungary
Engraver: Franz Gaul
Translation: My trust is in ancient virtues
The pictures provided are of the actual coin for sale.
Guaranteed genuine.
SKU: E957 -
Forint system (1868-1892)
HUNGARY, Franz Joseph I, 1 Forint 1876, better year, aUNC
Obverse: Mid-aged bust of Franz Joseph I facing right
Lettering: FERENCZ JÓZSEF I . K . A . CS . ÉS M . H . S . D . O . AP . KIR .; K. B.
Translation: Ferenc József Isten kegyelméből ausztriai császár és Magyar-, Horvát-, Szlavón-, Dalmátországok apostoli királya
Francis Joseph by the grace of God Emperor of Austria, Apostolic King of Hungary, Croatia, Slavonia and DalmatiaEngraver: Josef Tautenhayn
Reverse: Middle coat of arms with St. Stephen’s crown on top
Lettering: MAGYAR KIRÁLYSÁG; 1 Frt; 1876
Translation: Kingdom of Hungary
Engraver: Franz Gaul
Translation: My trust is in ancient virtues
The pictures provided are of the actual coin for sale.
Guaranteed genuine.
SKU: E956 -
Forint system (1868-1892)
HUNGARY, Franz Joseph I, 1 Forint 1879, aUNC
Obverse: Mid-aged bust of Franz Joseph I facing right
Lettering: FERENCZ JÓZSEF I . K . A . CS . ÉS M . H . S . D . O . AP . KIR .; K. B.
Translation: Ferenc József Isten kegyelméből ausztriai császár és Magyar-, Horvát-, Szlavón-, Dalmátországok apostoli királya
Franz Joseph by the grace of God Emperor of Austria, Apostolic King of Hungary, Croatia, Slavonia and DalmatiaEngraver: Josef Tautenhayn
Reverse: Middle coat of arms with St. Stephen’s crown on top
Lettering: MAGYAR KIRÁLYSÁG; 1 Frt; 1879
Translation: Kingdom of Hungary
Engraver: Franz Gaul
Translation: My trust is in ancient virtues
The pictures provided are of the actual coin for sale.
Guaranteed genuine.
SKU: F006 -
Forint system (1868-1892)
HUNGARY, Franz Joseph I, 1 Forint 1879, aUNC
Obverse: Mid-aged bust of Franz Joseph I facing right
Lettering: FERENCZ JÓZSEF I . K . A . CS . ÉS M . H . S . D . O . AP . KIR .; K. B.
Translation: Ferenc József Isten kegyelméből ausztriai császár és Magyar-, Horvát-, Szlavón-, Dalmátországok apostoli királya
Francis Joseph by the grace of God Emperor of Austria, Apostolic King of Hungary, Croatia, Slavonia and DalmatiaEngraver: Josef Tautenhayn
Reverse: Middle coat of arms with St. Stephen’s crown on top
Lettering: MAGYAR KIRÁLYSÁG; 1 Frt; 1879
Translation: Kingdom of Hungary
Engraver: Franz Gaul
Translation: My trust is in ancient virtues
The pictures provided are of the actual coin for sale.
Guaranteed genuine.
SKU: F260 -
Forint system (1868-1892)
HUNGARY, Franz Joseph I, 1 Forint 1879, XF-UNC
Obverse: Mid-aged bust of Franz Joseph I facing right
Lettering: FERENCZ JÓZSEF I . K . A . CS . ÉS M . H . S . D . O . AP . KIR .; K. B.
Translation: Ferenc József Isten kegyelméből ausztriai császár és Magyar-, Horvát-, Szlavón-, Dalmátországok apostoli királya
Francis Joseph by the grace of God Emperor of Austria, Apostolic King of Hungary, Croatia, Slavonia and DalmatiaEngraver: Josef Tautenhayn
Reverse: Middle coat of arms with St. Stephen’s crown on top
Lettering: MAGYAR KIRÁLYSÁG; 1 Frt; 1879
Translation: Kingdom of Hungary
Engraver: Franz Gaul
Translation: My trust is in ancient virtues
The pictures provided are of the actual coin for sale.
Guaranteed genuine.
SKU: E953 -
Forint system (1868-1892)
HUNGARY, Franz Joseph I, 1 Forint 1879, XF+
Obverse: Mid-aged bust of Franz Joseph I facing right
Lettering: FERENCZ JÓZSEF I . K . A . CS . ÉS M . H . S . D . O . AP . KIR .; K. B.
Translation: Ferenc József Isten kegyelméből ausztriai császár és Magyar-, Horvát-, Szlavón-, Dalmátországok apostoli királya
Francis Joseph by the grace of God Emperor of Austria, Apostolic King of Hungary, Croatia, Slavonia and DalmatiaEngraver: Josef Tautenhayn
Reverse: Middle coat of arms with St. Stephen’s crown on top
Lettering: MAGYAR KIRÁLYSÁG; 1 Frt; 1879
Translation: Kingdom of Hungary
Engraver: Franz Gaul
Translation: My trust is in ancient virtues
The pictures provided are of the actual coin for sale.
Guaranteed genuine.
SKU: F740 -
Forint system (1868-1892)
HUNGARY, Franz Joseph I, 1 Forint 1879, aXF
Obverse: Mid-aged bust of Franz Joseph I facing right
Lettering: FERENCZ JÓZSEF I . K . A . CS . ÉS M . H . S . D . O . AP . KIR .; K. B.
Translation: Ferenc József Isten kegyelméből ausztriai császár és Magyar-, Horvát-, Szlavón-, Dalmátországok apostoli királya
Francis Joseph by the grace of God Emperor of Austria, Apostolic King of Hungary, Croatia, Slavonia and DalmatiaEngraver: Josef Tautenhayn
Reverse: Middle coat of arms with St. Stephen’s crown on top
Lettering: MAGYAR KIRÁLYSÁG; 1 Frt; 1879
Translation: Kingdom of Hungary
Engraver: Franz Gaul
Translation: My trust is in ancient virtues
The pictures provided are of the actual coin for sale.
Guaranteed genuine.
SKU: F741 -
Forint system (1868-1892)
HUNGARY, Franz Joseph I, 1 Forint 1881, toned, aUNC
Obverse: Mid-aged bust of Franz Joseph I facing right, legend around.
Lettering (Hungarian): FERENCZ JÓZSEF I . K . A . CS . ÉS M . H . S . D . O . AP . KIR .; K. B
Translation: Ferenc József Isten kegyelméből ausztriai császár és Magyar-, Horvát-, Szlavón-, Dalmátországok apostoli királya
Franz Joseph by the grace of God Emperor of Austria, Apostolic King of Hungary, Croatia, Slavonia and DalmatiaEngraver: Friedrich Leisek
Reverse: Middle coat of arms with St. Stephen’s crown on top
Lettering (Hungarian): MAGYAR KIRÁLYSÁG; 1 Frt 1881
Engraver: Franz Gaul
Edge (text in Hungarian): BIZALMAM AZ ŐSI ERÉNYBEN
Translation: My trust is in ancient virtues
The pictures provided are of the actual coin for sale.
Guaranteed genuine.
SKU: E864 -
Forint system (1868-1892)
HUNGARY, Franz Joseph I, 1 Forint 1881, XF+
Obverse: Mid-aged bust of Franz Joseph I facing right, legend around.
Lettering (Hungarian): FERENCZ JÓZSEF I . K . A . CS . ÉS M . H . S . D . O . AP . KIR .; K. B
Translation: Ferenc József Isten kegyelméből ausztriai császár és Magyar-, Horvát-, Szlavón-, Dalmátországok apostoli királya
Franz Joseph by the grace of God Emperor of Austria, Apostolic King of Hungary, Croatia, Slavonia and DalmatiaEngraver: Friedrich Leisek
Reverse: Middle coat of arms with St. Stephen’s crown on top
Lettering (Hungarian): MAGYAR KIRÁLYSÁG; 1 Frt 1881
Engraver: Franz Gaul
Edge (text in Hungarian): BIZALMAM AZ ŐSI ERÉNYBEN
Translation: My trust is in ancient virtues
The pictures provided are of the actual coin for sale.
Guaranteed genuine.
SKU: F831 -
Forint system (1868-1892)
HUNGARY, Franz Joseph I, 1 Forint 1883, XF-UNC
Obverse: Laureate bust of Franz Joseph I facing right, legend around.
Lettering (Hungarian): ·FERENCZ JÓZSEF I·K·A·CS·ÉS M·H·S·D·O·AP·KIR·; K·B·
Translation: Ferenc József Isten kegyelméből ausztriai császár és Magyar-, Horvát-, Szlavón-, Dalmátországok apostoli királya
Franz Joseph by the grace of God Emperor of Austria, Apostolic King of Hungary, Croatia, Slavonia and DalmatiaEngraver: Friedrich Leisek
Reverse: Crowned shield divides value within circle
Lettering (Hungarian): 1 Ft· MAGYAR·KIRÁLYSÁG·1883
Engraver: Károly Gerl
Edge (text in Hungarian): BIZALMAM AZ ŐSI ERÉNYBEN
Translation: My trust is in ancient virtues
The pictures provided are of the actual coin for sale.
Guaranteed genuine.
SKU: F832 -
Forint system (1868-1892)
HUNGARY, Franz Joseph I, 1 Forint 1888, XF-UNC
Obverse: Laureate bust of Franz Joseph I facing right, legend around.
Lettering (Hungarian): ·FERENCZ JÓZSEF I·K·A·CS·ÉS M·H·S·D·O·AP·KIR·; K·B·
Translation: Ferenc József Isten kegyelméből ausztriai császár és Magyar-, Horvát-, Szlavón-, Dalmátországok apostoli királya
Franz Joseph by the grace of God Emperor of Austria, Apostolic King of Hungary, Croatia, Slavonia and DalmatiaEngraver: Friedrich Leisek
Reverse: Crowned shield divides value within circle
Lettering (Hungarian): 1 Ft· MAGYAR · KIRÁLYSÁG · 1888
Engraver: Károly Gerl
Edge (text in Hungarian): BIZALMAM AZ ŐSI ERÉNYBEN
Translation: My trust is in ancient virtues
The pictures provided are of the actual coin for sale.
Guaranteed genuine.
SKU: E949 -
Forint system (1868-1892)
HUNGARY, Franz Joseph I, 1 Forint 1890, UNC
Obverse: Laureate portrait of Franz Joseph I facing right. Legend around
Translation: Ferenc József Isten kegyelméből ausztriai császár és Magyar-, Horvát-, Szlavón-, Dalmátországok apostoli királya
Franz Joseph by the grace of God Emperor of Austria, Apostolic King of Hungary, Croatia, Slavonia and DalmatiaEngraver: Friedrich Leisek
Reverse: Hungarian shield with crown on the top in single circle
Lettering: 1 Ft·; MAGYAR · KIRÁLYSÁG · 1890
Translation: Kingdom of Hungary
Engraver: Károly Gerl
Translation: My trust is ancient virtues
The pictures provided are of the actual coin for sale.
Guaranteed genuine.
SKU: C105 -
Forint system (1868-1892)
HUNGARY, Franz Joseph I, 1 Forint 1890, Fiume, VF/VF+
Obverse: Laureate portrait of Franz Joseph I facing right. Legend around
Translation: Ferenc József Isten kegyelméből ausztriai császár és Magyar-, Horvát-, Szlavón-, Dalmátországok apostoli királya
Franz Joseph by the grace of God Emperor of Austria, Apostolic King of Hungary, Croatia, Slavonia and DalmatiaEngraver: Friedrich Leisek
Reverse: Hungarian shield with crown on the top in single circle
Lettering: 1 Ft·; MAGYAR · KIRÁLYSÁG · 1890
Translation: Kingdom of Hungary
Engraver: Károly Gerl
Translation: My trust is ancient virtues
The pictures provided are of the actual coin for sale.
Guaranteed genuine.
SKU: E948 -
Forint system (1868-1892)
HUNGARY, Franz Joseph I, 1 Forint 1891, VF
Obverse: Laureate portrait of Franz Joseph I facing right. Legend around
Translation: Ferenc József Isten kegyelméből ausztriai császár és Magyar-, Horvát-, Szlavón-, Dalmátországok apostoli királya
Franz Joseph by the grace of God Emperor of Austria, Apostolic King of Hungary, Croatia, Slavonia and DalmatiaEngraver: Friedrich Leisek
Reverse: Hungarian shield with crown on the top in single circle
Lettering: 1 Ft·; MAGYAR · KIRÁLYSÁG · 1891
Translation: Kingdom of Hungary
Engraver: Károly Gerl
Translation: My trust is ancient virtues
The pictures provided are of the actual coin for sale.
Guaranteed genuine.
SKU: E947