eNumis, d.o.o. (hereinafter eNumis), is an economic company that sells coins, medals and antiques collections within the eNumis online store – all in in accordance with the General Terms of Sales of the eNumis online store (hereinafter: the General Terms of Sales) and legal regulations of the Republic of Slovenia.
The General Terms of Sales have been drawn up in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act (ZVPot), the Consumer Protection Act protection of personal data (ZVOP-1), Decree on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data – GDPR (EU2016 / 679) and the Law on electronic communications (ZEKom-1).
The eNumis online store is operated by eNumis, d.o.o., which is also a provider of e-business. The buyer is bound by the General Terms of Sales, which are valid at the time of placing the online order. Buyer when placing an order, he / she is specially reminded of the General Terms of Sales and confirms his / her own by placing the order familiarity with them.
The General Terms of Sales set out the rights and obligations between the seller and the buyer. The seller is eNumis, d.o.o.
The customer is a user of the eNumis online store who makes a purchase as a registered user. A registered user is a user who makes a purchase based on prior registration in eNumis online store. Upon registration in the eNumis online store, the user obtains a username that is the same as his email address, and a password.
Registered users and visitors have the right to purchase in the eNumis online store, eNumis online store must pre-register in order to purchase.
eNumis, d.o.o., provides the following to the buyer before concluding the sales contract Information:
- data on the company eNumis, d.o.o. (name and registered office of the company, registration number and tax number),
- contact details that enable the user to communicate quickly and efficiently (telephone number and e-mail address),
- prices, which must be clearly and unambiguously set, must also indicate whether or not prices already include taxes and transport costs and other charges,
- method of payment,
- method of delivery,
- deadline for withdrawal from the contract,
- conditions for withdrawal from the contract.
The sales contract between the seller and the buyer is concluded at the time the seller sends an e-mail to the buyer confirming receipt of the order.
The eNumis online store can enable payment by:
- by bank transfer to the account of eNumis, d.o.o.,
- via PayPal,
- by credit card.
eNumis, d.o.o., issues an invoice to the customer, which it sends to the delivery address or to customer’s email address.
After placing the order, the seller reviews the order and confirms it or for justified reasons reject.
The seller may call to verify the information or to ensure the accuracy of the delivery to the customer to his contact telephone number or send him an email to his contact email address. After reviewing the order, the customer receives an e-mail notification that the order has been received (e-mail acknowledging receipt of the order).
The seller prepares and sends the item within the agreed time and by e-mail informs the buyer. The seller also informs the buyer in an e-mail about the possibility of withdrawing from contracts.
In the event that the buyer decides in time to cancel the order, the seller must be notified immediately by his telephone number or e-mail address. If the order is already shipped, the buyer rejects the shipment to the delivery service.
A consumer is an actual person who is a user of the eNumis online store and obtains an item for purposes outside its gainful activity.
The consumer has the right to notify the seller within 14 days of receiving the items that he terminating the contract without having to state the reason for its decision. The deadline starts next day from receipt of items. Withdrawal from the contract is notified by the consumer to the seller’s e-mail address.
In case of withdrawal from the contract, the consumer returns the item by mail to the address of the seller. Return of items to the seller within the withdrawal period is considered a message about withdrawal from the contract.
The consumer must return the item to the seller undamaged, in the same quantity and in the unaltered state (eg it is not permissible for the consumer to clean the item, as this may essentially affect the price of the item). The consumer may not use the articles without hindrance until the withdrawal from contracts. The consumer may inspect and test the items to the extent strictly necessary to establish the facts. The consumer is responsible for reducing the value of the item if reduction as a result of conduct which is not strictly necessary to establish the nature and characteristics of the goods.
The only cost borne by the consumer in connection with the withdrawal is the cost of return articles.
The item must be returned to the seller no later than 30 days after the message is sent withdrawal from the contract.
Unless the parties have agreed otherwise, the consumer has no right of withdrawal contracts in contracts:
- on items the price of which depends on fluctuations in markets beyond the control of the undertaking, and which may occur within the withdrawal period,
- on articles which are manufactured to the exact instructions of the consumer and adapted to his personal needs.
Refunds will be made as soon as possible and within 14 days at the latest from receipt of the notice of withdrawal. The seller returns the payments received to the consumer by the same means of payment as used by the consumer.
If the consumer chooses to withdraw from the contract for the items that make up the kit, it can be for the whole kit that requires a replacement for the same kit or a refund. The consumer can replace the item from the set, in the event of a material defect or damage to the item but cannot claim it refund of the purchase price.
The consumer can exercise his rights arising from a material error if he notifies the error to the seller within two months of the date on which the defect was discovered. The consumer must describe the defect in detail in the error message and allow the seller to inspect the item.
The seller is not liable for material defects in the goods that appear after two years, since the thing was handed over. It is considered that the defect in the things already existed at the time of extradition, if any occurs within six months of delivery.
A consumer who has duly notified the seller of a defect has the right to require the seller to: rectify the defect in the goods or refund part of the amount paid in proportion to the defect, or replace the defective goods with a new faultless one, or:
- return the amount paid.
The error is real when:
- the article does not have the characteristics necessary for its normal use or for marketing, the item does not have the properties necessary for the specific use for which the buyer is purchasing it, but was known to the seller or should have been known to him, the item does not have features and characteristics that have been explicitly or tacitly agreed upon or prescribed,
- the seller has delivered an item which does not match the pattern, unless it was sample or model shown for notification purposes only.
The buyer must notify the seller of any material defect together with a detailed description of it in within the statutory time limit and at the same time allow him to inspect the item.
The seller’s contractual partner for the delivery of shipments is Pošta Slovenije, but the seller reserves the right to choose another delivery service, if the consumer agrees to, if it will be able to fulfill the order more effectively.
ENumis, d.o.o., collects the personal data of users of the eNumis online store in accordance with Regulation on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data – GDPR (EU2016 / 679) and the Personal Data Protection Act (ZVOP-1).
ENumis, d.o.o., has adopted a special document regarding the protection of personal data “Protection of personal data (No. 1/2019)”, which is available on the website of the online store eNumis and is legally binding on the contracting party.
In Ljubljana: 07.09.2020
eNumis, d.o.o.