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Austria, Italy, Bressanone, Brixen, Karl, 3 Kreuzer 1619, Scarce, XF-UNC
Obverse: Bust of Prince-Bishop Karl of Austria facing right.
CAR · D : G · ARC · D · AVSTRI ·
3Unabridged legend: Carolus, Dei gratia, archidux Austriae.
Translation: Charles, by the grace of God, Archduke of Austria.
Reverse: Crowned coat of arms of Austria at the top, coat of arms of Brixen to the bottom left and coat of arms of Karl himself to the bottom right.
Lettering: EPVS · BRIX · ET · WRA * 1619
Unabridged legend: Episcopus Brixinensis et Wratislaviensis.
Translation: Bishop of Brixen and Wrocław.
The pictures provided are of the actual coin for sale.
Guaranteed genuine.
SKU: F827